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How do you communicate communication issues?

Charlie is a talented music producer that had a unique challenge that he had kept secret from the world for years. In 2021 he approached me with a unique request to help him create a set of videos for a Mental Health Charity event he was performing at with Train. (Yes, that Train. Drops of Jupiter, Hey Soul Sister, etc.)

But here's the thing -- Charlie's unique challenge was that he has a hard time communicating through mediums other than music. He doesn't read emotion well, he's very forward, and he even went to therapy for Autism as a child.

Below is a video we made for my channel titled "The Complicated Life of CG5", followed by one of the three videos we made for that charity event mentioned in the first paragraph. The second video listed is a behind the scenes look at Charlie's process of creating a song about Mental Health.

As far as spreading positive media goes, this is one of my favorite personal examples of the concept "Hiding the vegetables. I find it important that positive media is packaged in as entertaining of a form factor as possible, and sneak the good messages in when people least expect it.

Photo Journal Description:

How do you talk about mental health when you did therapy for Autism and have a hard time communicating?

Remember to create positive and intentional media.
See you next week!

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